all postcodes in MK11 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK11 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK11 3AA 1 1 52.047583 -0.828772
MK11 3DP 1 1 52.04275 -0.820223
MK11 3DR 1 1 52.04342 -0.817989
MK11 3ER 8 6 52.046611 -0.829406
MK11 3ES 3 2 52.045646 -0.829362
MK11 3ET 2 2 52.047436 -0.828262
MK11 3EU 1 1 52.044786 -0.826891
MK11 3HA 14 14 52.049033 -0.824312
MK11 3HB 17 16 52.047604 -0.823532
MK11 3HD 15 12 52.048876 -0.822293
MK11 3HE 11 8 52.04858 -0.819676
MK11 3HF 11 7 52.049113 -0.818811
MK11 3HG 9 6 52.047987 -0.818831
MK11 3HL 22 19 52.045007 -0.82818
MK11 3HQ 15 10 52.047369 -0.819999
MK11 3HR 1 1 52.044996 -0.824553
MK11 3JB 12 11 52.041756 -0.81971
MK11 3LF 1 1 52.047583 -0.828772
MK11 3LH 5 4 52.042585 -0.82256
MK11 3LJ 1 1 52.043068 -0.819704